The strengths of excluding other groups gave black people a stronger voice for what they wanted and not what other groups think they wanted. Black people were able to express themselves more comfortably this way. While when other groups were included, they were able to share their opinions and feel included, especially if they supported what black people were doing.
The weaknesses of excluding other groups could have made other minorities (Asian, Native American, etc.) feel as if they were not as worthy of being heard. White people may have felt a certain way about not being able to express and spread their sympathy with the black folk.
Involving everyone was an effective tactic. Even if some people were not black, it let them express their disapproval of segregation and it showed the nation that not all white people were racist and believed the nation should be split.
The separation of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages mark a great divide in the lives and cultures of prehistoric peoples. Many aspects of everyday life were modified to suit a new standard of living. Society, Economy, and Technology were greatly affected by the "Agricultural Revolution" that spawned the Neolithic Age.
The implementation of the assembly line by Henry Ford at his automobile plants was extremely important. It was important because it drastically reduced the amount of time it took to produce a Ford car. Since it took less time and effort to make the car, the price of Ford's dropped significantly. This drop in price made Ford cars more available to the American public, increasing the amount of people who owned cars in the US during the 1920's.
The development of the assembly line changed everyday life for Americans in multiple ways. First, traveling became much easier as cars were now available to more Americans. Along with this, the assembly line would be a method used by thousands of other companies all across the US. This made it so that workers would need to be able to complete one repeatable task throughout the entire day.
Dogs will win 2020! They are so cute and cuddly how wouldn’t they win?!?