There needs to be an odd number of 1 bits
In memory, parity checking method is used to test the memory. There are two parity conditions. Either the parity is even or the parity is odd.
Odd parity means, number of 1's in eight bits of data. If the number 1's are odd it means parity is odd. In case of the memory testing result the parity should be odd.
So, In case of Parity of RAM, the parity should be odd, if the data is stored in the RAM.
The Internet is fault-tolerant because cybercriminals can conceal their actions, allowing them the ability to carry out faulty actions without leaving a trace.
This statement is actually the same question I had to answer when in my 2nd year 1st semester in itt.
<3 enjoy
import random
randomlist = []
for i in range(0,20):
n = random.randint(-29,30)
if n < 0 :
n = 100
The random module is first imported as it takes care of random. Number generation.
An empty list called randomliay is created to hold the generated random integers.
Using a for loop, we specify the range of random numbers we want.
Inside the for loop ; we attach our generated random integer which will be in the range (-29 to 30) in a variable n
For each n value generated, if the value is less than 0( it is negative, since all the values are integers), replace the value with 100.
Making charts, files that need complicated calculations
The number of smartphone users is forcast to grow from 2.1 billion in 2016 to around 2.5 billion in 2019, with smartphone penetration rates increasing as well.over 36% of the worlds population is projected to use a smartphone by 2018, thats up from about 10% in 2011