Just rapple down and climb back up .
The class of '09 held its graduation ceremony at 7 o'clock
How did slaves in Ancient Greece differ from models of slavery in later societies?
Answer- Slavery was not connected with race in the ancient world. People were slaves because their side lost a recent war or as punishment for a crime (something still theoretically allowed in the US). They were not necessarily of a different race to the slave owners.
People didn’t necessarily see slaves as inferior. Slaves were sometimes employed as secretaries and tutors and it was prestigious to own an intelligent, educated, slave.
Regardless of a persons gender they should be able to earn equal pay.
If we take a look at one of the oldest documents in the world it says, "All men are created equal". At that point in time it refereed to men with status, men with property, and men who where white. However, understanding the fact that many women like Rosa Parks,Amelia Earhart, and Mae C. Jemison fought for their ability to have a say and do what they dreamed. Men are given the opportunities because they were born with it. It is unfair that simply because your a man you get paid more. However, Women earn everything they get.... they fight for what they want and they put both their heart and sole into their jobs into there families and into their dreams. Men and WoMEN should be given equal pay regardless of their gender but by the way they try everyday and the way they give their all in their jobs.
While secondary characters are less important than the main characters of the book, they often have a noteworthy impact on the story
example: A secondary character, Friar Lawrence, plays a vital role throughout the play.
(if that makes sense )