When Hyperbaton is used, words and phrases exceed their conventional placements and meanings and result in a more complex and intriguing sentence structure (used to add more depth and interest to the sentence structure)
When Chronology is used, a manipulation in the time and events can be seen, and allows for the disorder of time. Relevance to all points of the past and future are made possible and the understanding of cause and effect is better made.
Judges are usually considered the height of moral conduct and would not be expected to trick people.
Painter lady because she’s just not valid
Dear, {Friend}
The day I saw that you were congratulated for something awesome! Congrats!
I'm so glad of what you have accomplished! Don't ever give up on your dreams because now they just came true! I am so proud of you and will always be here for you! You will always be my best friend!
I hope you stay this way forever and will always achieve your dreams no matter what goes in your way.
Never Give Up! :D
Very proud;