The denominator 13 cannot be factored so that only 2's and 5's show up, so this means that 2/13 is a non-terminating decimal. Therefore, this decimal repeats itself
Use a calculator to see that: 2/13 = 0.153846 153846 153846 ....
The spaces are put in to help make the number more readable. Note how the "153846" keeps repeating forever
Dezias' pensil is 5.11-1.09=4.02 inches long
Paul's pencil is 4.02+2.05=6.07 inches long
Miguel's pencil is 5.11+1.75=6.86 inches long
Combined are 5.11+4.02+6.07+6.86=22.06
The fraction is 22.06/12=1.8383333...
28.57% chance for landing on gray
Step-by-step explanation:
Find the amount of sections that you want to land on (2) and divide it by all sections(7) and the answer is your percent.
Step-by-step explanation:
Meal Price =$18
Sales tax =6%
Tip = 20%
Total Price of the Meal =$18 + (6% of 18)+ (20% of 18)
=$18 + (0.06 X 18)+ (0.2 X 18)
The total price of Alyssa's meal is $22.68.