<span>Choose the correct French equivalent of the question: Is she going to run?
D: Va-t-elle courir?</span>
Answer: it means shut your stupid as$ muth and pay attention in class and stop cheating on this website
So They were very bad
You welcome
Bonjour !
<em>1. Où sont allés Sophie et Vincent?</em>
Ils ont joué au foot dans le parc.
2. Comment mange-t-il? Il mange <em>vite</em>
3. Comment répond-elle ? Elle répond <em>poliment</em>
<em>4. Organises-tu souvent des dîners avec tes amis ?</em>
J'organise souvent des dîners chez moi.
<em>5. Quand ont-ils fini leurs devoirs?</em>
Ils ont fini<em> hier.</em>
The midpoint between two numbers is the number exactly in the middle of the two numbers. Calculating the midpoint is the same thing as calculating the average of two numbers. Therefore, you can calculate the midpoint between any two numbers by adding them together and dividing by two.