In book 9 of the Odyssey, Odysseus is too proud to hear his men´s pieces of advise .The men, when visiting the Cyclopes´island, want to find food and leave. They go to the cave where the Cyclop was supposed to be, as he was not there , the men want to flee.However ,Odysseus chooses not to listen to them and when the Cyclop comes back to his place he loses six of his men.
Psyche, in the beginning, is the ingenue.
She is young, naive, smart, and beautigul.
She goes through an initiation and becomes a goddess.
By the end of the story, Psyche's archetype is that of the maiden ;
beautiful, clever, capable, and vulnerable.
This is the shortest answer I can do.
Hope this answered our question.
Isolation: Whatever else the Lady of Shalott has going on, she's definitely alone. We don't know who shut her away in the castle or why, but it doesn't seem fair. We can tell that she's fed up with it; in fact she even says as much. Her desire to be part of the world, to interact, to love and be loved, is what pushes the whole plot of this poem. The fact that she never really breaks out of her loneliness is what gives "The Lady of Shalott" a tragic edge.
I think he lists his personal involvement in climate change work.