Some people are just strange you just have to try your best to not get to much bothered by it
I think talked is a different noun for spoke
Predicate pronoun
A predicate pronoun is any pronoun that is part of the predicate.
A predicate is the part of a sentence that includes the verb and the words following it that relate to that verb.
I will call him .
The teacher gave us a history assignment.
Mother made lunch for them .
A sentence may have more than one predicate; for example:
Mother made lunch for them and set it on the picnic table.
A subjective pronoun can be part of a predicate when it is the subject of a clause,; for example:
Mary brought a cake she made for the party .
A subjective pronoun is also used as a subject complement when it follows a linking verb; for example:
The leaders right now are he and I .
Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England, he was a brilliant man who outshined everyone in his class, even with his physcial obstacles he moved with his whole life. Later in Hawking's life he studied physics at Oxford University. Hawking went on to become a writer researching cosmology and the orgins of the universe.
He said,"can you visit me tomorrow at 6 in the evening?"