Hello. You did not put the answer options, but a fact that links the "rise of Pericles to power" and the "Peloponnesian War and the death of Pericles" is the growth of the power of Athens while the power of Sparta was suppressed.
Pericles was a great Greek politician who came to power in Athens, where he had an administrable administration making Athens a great cultural, artistic, military, political and economic center.
Under his administration, Athens has become very strong and powerful, however. Pericles had big plans for Athens, one of which included suppressing the power and influence of Sparta, which became increasingly threatened by PEricles' government.
Tension with Sparta triggered the Peloponnesian war, causing the Spartans to invade the cities near Athens. This invasion was used against Pericles who was temporarily condemned, accused and defaulted on public money. Pericles died shortly afterwards a victim of the plague.
Enlightenment thinkers argued that liberty was a natural human right and that reason and scientific knowledge—not the state or the church—were responsible for human progress. But Enlightenment reason also provided a rationale for slavery, based on a hierarchy of races.
The three men that represented the federalists in the ratification battle were James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton
The parade was cut into sections: working women, state delegates, male suffragists, and finally African-American women. The point of the parade was “to march in the spirit of protest against the present political organization of society, from which women are excluded.”
It influenced other country's to do the same