In the given case, it is clear that the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is on in Mr. T. It can be suggested due to the increase in heart rate and appearance of cold and pale skin in the patient's upper body. The sympathetic nervous system is the component of the ANS, which is an extensive network of neurons that monitor's the involuntary processes of the body.
Mainly, the sympathetic nervous system monitors the features of the body associated with the fight or flight response like increasing heart rate, mobilizing fat reserves, and discharging adrenaline. Apart from this, the increased heart rate and vasoconstriction will assist in elevating the patient's blood pressure.
c. Both have their own DNA.
Both chloroplast and mitochondria are semi-autonomous organelles which means that they both have their own DNA. Both of these organelles have a circular DNA and make some of their own proteins by themselves. Both are double membrane-bound organelles. Chloroplast has a third membrane system called thylakoid.
Chloroplasts are found in the plant cells only as they are the site for photosynthesis. Mitochondria are present in both plant and animal cells and are the site for cellular respiration to produce energy to support the vital functions of cells.
Seeds become major sinks during the reproductive stages
The primary energy system to fuel cycling for 15 minutes is THE AEROBIC GLYCOLYSIS SYSTEM.
There are different energy systems for fueling different types of physical exercise, the type of system that is used depend on the duration of the physical exercise. The energy system that exist are anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic glycolysis, phosphagem system and fatty acid oxidation. The aerobic glycolysis energy system relies on the complete breakdown of glucose. The pyruvate which is the end product of glucose oxidation is further broken down to acetyl coA, which then enters into the citric acid cycle. The aerobic glycolysis energy system is used for physical exercises that last between three to twenty minutes.