D. Listing, marketing, facilitating transactions, and managing information
The real estate brokers helps in facilitating the following activities:
Listing - They help in listing out the best options for the buyers
Marketing - The brokers representing the developer ( i.e the seller ) markets their product which is the real estate property
Facilitating transactions - They help the buyers and sellers for the ease in transaction by being a mediator between the seller and the buyer.
Managing information - They manage the information related to the products and the information of the buyer so as to have an hassle free transaction.
Make use of Python Counter which returns count of each element in the list.
The amount to be recognized as research and development expense for the year includes the cost of research and development services performed by Key Corp. for Orr, the cost incurred on testing of pre-production prototypes and models as well as the cost of testing in search for new products or process alternatives,
In other words, all costs incurred would be expensed since no of them met the capitalization criteria as per generally acceptable accounting principles
The correct answer is: Operating budget.
An operating budget is an estimate a business make of the expenses and revenue it plans to book in its ongoing operations. Operating budgets can also be used to forecast future operating corporate periods. This type of budget mainly includes the <em>number of sales expected in dollars</em>, <em>fixed and variable costs</em> as well as <em>operating expenses</em> such as loan payments or depreciation.
Pension Expense = EBE = $593440 for income statement
The opening balance of the Plan asset is made by the 40000 from 2018 plus interest of 32000 and the new 400000 made this year. Why include it? Because an opening balance are the funds in an account at the beginning of the year either from last year or are from current year but should be the first entry in the books of the current year.
DBO plan asset EBE
opening balance (600000) 832000 -
interest ( 60000) 66560 6560
current year's service cost (600000) (600000)
( 1260000 ) 898560 <u> 593440</u>
balance sheet liability = 361440