The borrowers use to secure a mortgage loan through house, land, and vehicle.
A mortgage is an agreement between you and the lender that gives the lender the right to acquire your property if you do not repay the borrowed money and interest. Mortgages are used to buy a home or borrow money for the value of a home you already own. 7 things to look for in a mortgage.
The term "loan" can be used to describe a financial transaction in which one party receives a lump sum and agrees to repay the money. A mortgage is a type of loan used to finance real estate. Mortgages are a type of loan, but not all loans are mortgages. Mortgages are "secured" loans.
Learn more about mortgage
Louisiana Purchase: The Land Deal of the Millennium. For a mere $15 million, Thomas Jefferson doubled the size of the United States, buying 800,000 square miles from the French that stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.
The Pyramid of Amenemhet I is an Egyptian burial structure built at Lisht by the founder of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, Amenemhet I. This structure returned to the approximate size and form of Old Kingdom pyramids
Mycenaean conquered the Minoans
The Mycenaean civilization developed in mainland Greece in the second millennium before the Common Era. The Greeks won the Trojan War, with a strategy that has become legendary.