secreted by the gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland, and regulates the development, growth, pubertal maturation, and reproductive processes of the body
Eye colour
Eye colour is passed by your parents, what ever colour they have will determine what the child would have
If it was like two brown eyes the child would have brown eyes
If it was two different colours whatever colour which is more dominent will detirmen the colour of the child's eye
b. ventricles
The right and left ventricles
Normally it is seen that objects with more mass accelerates during their free fall than objects having smaller mass. The frictional force of air also known as the drag force get negated by the massive object and so the object gets acceleration during the free fall. If the mass of the object is small, then the frictional force or the drag will slow the object during free fall. In case of vaccum the mass of the object does not matter as there is no drag or frictional force working against it. The objects with greater or smaller mass will then free fall with the same speed in the vaccum.