For a better life and more land
The answers are:
- Recognition of universal human rights.
- Pressure from United Nations.
- Growth of nationalism.
- Promises made to colonies during the war.
- European economic weakness.
After the World War II many colonies were granted independence because of the European economic weakness. During the war European colonial countries were sucked dry economically to a point were they were all on the verge of collapsing as countries. After the war they were all in ruins and needed all the funds to rebuild themselves in every aspect. This caused the European colonial countries to grant independence to many of their colonies because they were not able to keep them under control anymore, be it financially or with the military.
The American cowboy drew many of his customs from ranchers in Mexico.
Advances in assembly line mass production
Large-scale production reduces costs of automobiles
Growth in personal automobile ownership
Commuters face traffic congestion
After the First World War, the car became one of the main transport vehicles. Thanks to the introduction of conveyor production, car models available to people with average incomes occurred.
A revolution in the American automotive industry was made by T model of Henry Ford, who used the American standardization system on his conveyors. Thus the era of continuous production began. In 1908, Ford launched the Model T with a 20 horsepower engine. The demand for this model was so great that already in 1912 a new plant was built for its assembly in Michigan, exemplary for its time.
The conveyor method gave a giant acceleration to the production of cars - 1000 per day or more, and also led to a reduction in the production costs.
An individual car has become a more massive means of transportation than public transport. The car, in turn, caused a revolution in the road business, influenced urban planning principles, stimulated the growth of the metallurgical, glass, rubber, paint and varnish and oil industries, and a car service industry arose.
Well, he wasn't elected president in 2004.