He exclaimed that the employers tricked them and didn't give them almost anything for their work. He provided information on how much he and his fellow men produced, which was a lot, and how they only got enough to eat. They were still being treated as slaves and were not allowed to see their wives or sisters or anything similar by their employers.
2. Nationalists believe that their country is better than all others. It’s really a toxic philosophy, though, since we live in a global society where every country is connected economically. It’s especially confusing in America, because America is a country of Native Americans and immigrants.
the start of the Industrial Revolution
By the time of the Industrial Revolution, there were more people than ever before. A main reason for this was 18th century agricultural improvements, which all but ended the periodic famines that had kept down European populations. From 1750 to 1850, the population of England alone nearly tripled.
b. Let w represent the total weight of a group of people wishing to rent a boat. Write an
inequality that describes all total weights allowed in a boat. Draw a number line diagram
that shows all possible solutions.