Spain closed the lower Mississippi River to American trade because if American relations with Great Britain were poor, affairs with Spain were worse. Spain, which held Florida as well as lands west of the Mississippi River, was anxious to halt American expansion into the territory it claimed. As a result, Spain closed the lower Mississippi River to American shipping in 1784.
He should pay his taxes because paying taxes is a duty of a United States citizen and if he doesn’t pay his taxes he can get sued.
C) They saw slavery as a “positive good” for enslaved workers.
White Southerners safeguarded the foundation of slavery on various fronts. They said that it was important and they said that it was not taboo, yet they likewise contended that it was a positive good. Southerners contended that slavery was a financial need. They contended that there was no real way to get anybody to do the kind of work that was required for tobacco (and later cotton) development without pressuring them. They contended that subjection was in this way totally fundamental for the Southern economy.
The Southerners additionally contended that there was no motivation to believe that slavery was indecent. They looked to somewhere around three sources to help this case. In the first place, they looked to Biblical times. They noted that there was slavery in the Old Testament and the New Testament and that Jesus never opposed the practice. Second, they took a gander at classical antiquity. They contended that the Greeks and the Romans had slaves even as they were the wellspring of Western development. At last, they took a gander at the time of the Founding Fathers. They noticed that the general population who composed the Constitution had slaves. In view of these precedents, they contended that there was no motivation to think slavery wasn't right.
A. They prayed
2. How should employers respond to K to 12 graduates who apply for vacant positions in
3. What were the perceived disadvantages of K to 12 graduates pcompared to college students?
4. What factors could give K to 12 graduates an advantage in the labor market?
Discussion Questions
What is the dilemma K to 12 graduates face when applying for a job?
their company? Pa help asap po 2. How should employers respond to K to 12 graduates who apply for vacant positions in
3. What were the perceived disadvantages of K to 12 graduates pcompared to college students?
4. What factors could give K to 12 graduates an advantage in the labor market?
Discussion Questions
What is the dilemma K to 12 graduates face when applying for a job?
their company? Pa help asap po