Initially, the colonists accepted these taxes because they were lightly enforced by the government. These taxes were also light themselves, and were not a harsh payment to make for imports. When the British government did enforce these light duties and eventually added more direct taxes, the colonists feared that by accepting these, they would lose their property and political rights to the British. In the end, the colonists opposed all taxes imposed on them by the government.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.
Explique por qué el poder ejecutivo tiene tantos controles sobre los poderes que tiene. ¿De qué querían estar seguros los primeros estadounidenses?
Los Padres fundadores como Benjamín Franklin, Alexander, Hamilton, James Madison o Thomas Jefferson, fueron conscientes de que el gobierno federal de la nueva nación -los Estados Unidos- debería constituirse bajo un esquema de división de poderes que equilibrara a los tres niveles del gobierno federal: el Ejecutivo, e Legislativo y el Judicial.
Por esa razón, los Padres Fundadores quería estar seguros de que en realidad existiera siempre un equilibrio entre esos tres poderes. Entonces fue que crearon el sistema que llamaron "checks and balances," que pudiera traducirse al Español como "el sistema que regula y equilibra el poder de los tres niveles de gobierno.
El objetivo era claro, que ninguno de los tres poderes tuviera más facultades que los otros dos.
Es decir, que hubiera mecanismos legales para que el Congreso controlara a la Suprema Corte de Justicia, y ésta a su vez al Congreso. Lo mismo con el Presidente, que tuviera poderes sobre el Congreso, pero que el Congreso también tuviera facultades sobre el Presidente.
Lake Balaton hope this helps.
A is the correct answer, but it does hide the truth of the matter.
Governor George Wallace did oppose the integration of the University of Alabama because he believed that integration was a state's rights issue.
What this ignores is the reason. George Wallace did believe in state's rights but he was also a noted bigot and segregationist. George Wallace wanted integration to be a State's issue because he did not want the State of Alabama to integrate due to his feelings about African-Americans.
A). The world of the senses is unchanging, but Platonic Heaven is in constant flux.
Plato's theory of forms asserts that the physical domain is only a shadow of the authentic/truthful reality of the domain/realm of forms.
The above statement does not represent Plato's central metaphysical tenet as it states that 'Plato's heaven is in constant flux.' He rather asserts that the forms are abstract, ideal, timeless, and unchangeable ideas that have the ability to transcend space and time. Thus, <u>option A</u> is the correct answer.