In addition to MLA, <u>American psychological association, Associated Press and Chicago manual of style</u> are widely using referencing techniques,
<u>American Psychological Association(APA)</u>
APA is the largest organization of scholars, they have their own referencing style guidelines that is used by these scholars.
<u>Associated Press</u>
It is also an american based agency that have their own referencing style for citation of research work named as Associated press.
<u>Chicago Manual of Style</u>
It is also an american referencing style used for reference.
name = input("Enter your name: ")
num1 = int(input("Hello "+name+ ", enter an integer: "))
num2 = int(input(name+", enter another integer: "))
if num1 % num2 == 0:
print("The first number is divisible by the second number")
print("The first number is not divisible by the second number")
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("The first number is not divisible by the second number")
if num2 % num1 == 0:
print("The second number is divisible by the first number")
print("The second number is not divisible by the first number")
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("The second number is not divisible by the first number")
import random, math
num1 = float(input("Enter a small decimal number: "))
num2 = float(input("Enter a large decimal number: "))
r = round(random.uniform(num1, num2), 2)
print("The volume of a sphere with radius " + str(r) + " is " + str(round(((4 / 3) * math.pi * (r ** 3)), 2)))
I hope this helps!
Answer: HTTP GET
Explanation: There are many HTTP(Hypertext Transfer protocol) requests sent to the server from the client .The page that gets request while the hyperlink page is clicked by the client, opens a HTTP GET page that belongs to the Internet protocol's(IP)suite by server. It is a process for the revival of the data from a particular server. The data does not get effected during the process of the retrieval.
packet filtering
We can use a packet filtering firewall, for something like this, reasons because when visiting a site these types of firewalls should block all incoming traffic and analyze each packet, before sending it to the user. So if the packet is coming from a malicious origin, we can then drop that packet and be on our day ;D