We should rather say that the American Revolution was an accomplished social and political project, which the French Revolution was not.
The 13 colonies of America issued a Declaration of Independence and passed a Constitution that were constructed around many ideals of the Enlightenment, incorporating the ideas of personal liberty, right to life, pursuit of happinness as natural rights of men. The best fruit of the Revolutionary War is the birth of the United States, a successful democratic republic.
The French Revolution proclaimed the Rights of Man and was also inspired by the lofty ideals of Enlightenment. It was radical, having overthrown and beheaded a king, an astonishing event in a monarchy-dominated Europe. However, the revolution in France led to chaos, power abuses abd revolutionary terror. The revolution ended in 1799, when Napoleon Bonaparte took power. A few years later, he crowned himself as emperor.
ammurabi's Code suggest about the economy in Babylonia. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 199. If he put out the eye of a man's slave, or break the bone of a man's slave, he shall pay one-half of its value.
The early modern European period occurred roughly from the 1450's until the 1700's.
Puritanism arose during the late 1500's and appealed to those that wanted to "purify" the English Church and English culture. Puritans lived strictly by the Bible and wanted to do away with the former glitz, glamour, ceremony, rituals, and riches of the Catholic Church. They believed that the combination of church and government, the King was the head of the country's government and church, would lead to tyrannical rule.
Also, Englishmen wanted to be purely "English" with no ties to Spain or its Catholicism. This included religion. The common man often could agree with this anti-Spanish/Catholic and stance wanting to break ties with their Spanish rivals after the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the British Navy.
During the early European/Elizabethan time period Catholics and the Catholic clergy were not to be trusted with priests being executed or tortured and their supporters fined or imprisoned.
Lincoln wanted to make sure that the new state governments in the south would comply with his policy of emancipation of slaves and be lenient towards them.
- As soon as the Civil War came to an end, President Lincoln took up the task of the reunification of the nation.
- For the states in the south, he prepared the ten percent plan and appealed to the people of the south to take oath of allegiance to the United States, of the emancipation of slaves, and of leniency towards them.
- Lincoln assured them that once the oath is taken, he would permit each state to frame new Constitutions of their own.