The territory was name after the Wyoming valley in Pennsylvania, made famous by 1809 poem Gertrude of Wyoming by thomas Campbell based on the battle of Wyoming in the American war of independence.the name ultimately from munsee word meaning "at the big river flat."
The architectural features of Monticello which is based neoclassical ideals are the following: a center hallway and a parallel set of rooms to the structure, a mezzanine bedroom floor, an interior that is centered on the two large rooms which serve as an entrance hall museum, the octagonal dome with mars yellow walls and painted green floor, ground cooled air and heated floor, a large central hall and aligned windows were designed to permit a cooling air to pass through the house, and the octagonal cupola draws hot air up and out. The Monticello is comparable to Chiswick house in London which is a neoclassical inspired house by architect Andrea Palladio built in 1726-9.
<u>Democrat President Woodrow Wilson appointed Jennings Bryan as Secretary of State between March of 1913 and June of 1915. During those years, he had the opportunity to develop and effectively communicate his vision about America and international relations. We can summarize it in three major concepts:</u>
1. <u>Pacifism</u>. Convinced pacifist, the first year of his tenure at the head of US diplomacy was dedicated to submitting proposals for the maintenance of world peace, signing a total of thirty arbitration treaties with foreign countries. In addition, Bryan launched the idea of establishing international peace commissions to resolve all conflicts that arose between countries. One year later, he resigned for being totally in disagreement with President's Wilson policy and that of the great majority of the cabinet, favorable to the entry of the United States in World War I after the sinking of the ship Lusitania by German submarines.
2. <u>Nationalism. </u>Jennings Bryan considered the United States as "the supreme moral factor in the world" whose influence and form of government should spread throughout the world.
3. <u>Order of the world.</u> Bryan was convinced that the United States must rescue countries in any conflict, so that America could have an increased influence, that could help to prevent revolutions, promote education, and secure and advance stable and just ways of government.