<span>A lo largo de la mayor parte de la historia, el precio ha operado como el principal determinante de la decisión del comprador. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, los factores distintos de los precios se han vuelto relativamente más importante en el comportamiento de toma de decisiones del comprador. Además, el precio sigue siendo uno de los elementos más importantes para determinar la cuota de mercado y la rentabilidad de la empresa.</span>
Taxation without representation is tyranny
Well, here is a hint. Anything ending in (.com) is not usually trustworthy, because they are usually trying to sell something, or are just not accurate. (.gov) is trust worthy I guess, but they are telling you what you want to hear. (WIKI IS NOT TRUSTWORTHY AT ALL) (.edu) would be the best, or (.org)
In around 1045- 256 B.C.E., the Zhou dynasty ruled over China. They used a form of government called feudalism to keep China stable. In feudalism, the king starts out with all of the land. He then sells large portions of his land to people called lords in exchange for soldiers when the king is attacked.
elements can be grouped for better identification.