Romeo and Juliet
In Romeo and Juliet play by William Shakespeare, Romeo is exiled from his home town Verona because of the Tybalt’s dead, Tybalt who was Juliet’s cousin killed Mercutio who was one of the best friends of Romeo against the desire of his father, who warned him about his responsibility as a public figure and recommended to avoid a fight between the families Montages and Capulets.
First reaction of Romeo is to stand for love and avoid losing Juliet, he went to the fray Laurence how helps him to scape to have consent about his future actions, but first he goes to Juliet’s window on Capulet’s garden and speaks to her to see if she has the same feeling about him.
Romeo wants to marry her, and with the help of the nurse they meet in the fray’s chapel it shows how Romeo is thinking wisely about his love towards the daughter of the Capulets.
The sedition of the prince was to exile Romeo, this was worst to him than death, now he couldn’t be near to his beloved wife, in fact he was trying to kill himself with a knife when the nurse finds him sobbing in the floor, again the friar convinces him to visit Juliet and to scape to Mantua the next morning, it was a hard experience for the main character, as well as enriching because it gave his life a motivation, to wait for his wife.
At the end this situation makes an important part of the play, because adds tragedy to the story as well is because of this situation that at the final part of the story when the letter and the, message never arrives to the final destination causes the big tragedy at the end of the story.
Hi. I'm Amanda Princeton. This is the story about the day I was framed for the murder of Mr. Parker.
It happened on the snowiest night in January. I was all alone in my house, sipping hot cocoa as I watch the snowfall just outside my window. I heard a weird noise from outside and noticed the mean old man, Mr. Parker, sinking in the snow. I chuckled to myself, the snow was only six inches deep. He must have tripped or something. I continue watching him struggle to get up from the ground, but then a hand as black as night grabbed him and pulled him completely under the snow. I jumped out of my seat, startled at what I had just witnessed. Did Mr. Parker just... die? I rushed to my room and threw on my snow boots and coat. I quickly made my way to the front door, but I froze as I put my hand on the deadbolt. What if it gets me? I thought to myself. I finally talked myself up just enough to unlock the deadbolt. Next was the lock on the doorknob. I began to shake. If I unlock this door, whatever that's out there could possibly overpower me and get in. I shook my head. I'm not scared of anything! I reassured myself. I unlocked the door and turned the knob. As soon as I did, a strong wind pushed it open. The door swung open and knock me on the ground. It nearly knocked me unconscious! Everything seemed to be fuzzy as I began to get up. As soon as I was on my feet, another gust of wind pushed through the doorway, but this time, a dark figure had come with it. As soon as I laid eyes on it, I fell unconscious.
When I finally came to, I found myself at a police station in cuffs and in a cell. "Wh-what happened?" I stammered. One of the officers walked over to the cell, looking at me with disgust in his eyes. "Mr. Parker was found dead in your basement. We also found his blood all over your coat and on a doorknob. The doorknob was removed from the front door." I began to cry as he told me the story. "It wasn't me! Something was out there! It did it!" I pleaded. "Sure, we'll go with your little fantasy." the officer said as he walked away. I'm telling you this story from a mental asylum. If you ever see this... this thing, don't let it near you. Never, and I mean never, let it near you.
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"So... Amanda. It seems as if you've been framed for murder? A murder that didn't even happen," Mr. Parker grinned from ear to ear. The basement was dimly lit with the flickering flame of the candles set around an upside-down star. Mr. Parker put a knife to his hand. "Let's see if we can frame someone else."
The organs of the male regenerative framework are particular for three essential capacities: To deliver, look after, transport, and support sperm (the male conceptive cells), and defensive liquid ( semen ). To release sperm inside the female conceptive tract.
3. number 3 his birthday.
why because your first birthday was not just a number. there was a place where you were born. there ate many factors too, so all of thoose makes your birthday. sry its hard to put it in words.
Pentameter is the meter form where there are five metrical feet/ beats in a given line of poetry. And this style has different forms namely iamb, trochaic, dactylic, and anapestic.
Iambic is the number of feet used in a line of poetry. In this pattern, the unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable. And in this form of metrical feet, the line contains five stressed syllables and five unstressed syllables.
Alexander the Great had the whim, with the stressed syllables in bold.
The line "Alexander the Great had the whim" is an example of iambic pentameter.