A.they facilitated a normadic lifestyle
<span>"B.Paid juries of citizens heard legal cases and made decisions" and </span>"<span>C.
Power was in the hands of the people and all citizens were equal before the law" and "</span><span>D. Though all citizens were equal, only the wealthy and well-born were likely to serve as jurors or council members.</span>" are correct. But it should be clear that citizenship had a narrower definition than it does today.
I guess it could. If you had like a graph of their financial status increasing. Speaking of which thatd the information you would need. You would need to be able to see their finances.
I think that the best answer is Middle East: among the earliest metal tools were tools from Egypt, and also Hittites were early tool makers, some early works were also done in Iran.
There are not many laws and stuff so sometimes people can do random stuff thinking there is not a law for it and end up well in jail for long prison sentences