As part of the ongoing recording and monitoring system within early years settings,
the usefulness and power of observation and assessment are sometimes
overlooked as they may be deemed time-consuming when there is already a
shortage of time to complete the other tasks required by agencies such as the
government, parents, governors or committee and local educational authorities.
However, observation can enable:
• informed planning
• informed understanding of a child’s current competence levels
• reflection on the appropriateness of provision
• sharing of information with other parties
• assessment of specific children, groups, interactions, the learning environment
and staff.
The Foundation Stage guidance (QCA, 2000) and Code of Practice (DfES, 2001d)
acknowledge the value of observation and assessment, and place requirements
on all early years practitioners to ensure these are part of the ongoing teaching
and learning process. Thus practitioners need to have a clear understanding of
the purposes and benefits, combined with practical examples, both of which are
offered in this chapter.
In order to identify a child’s current competence levels, we rely on observation
of skills mastered which then informs our future planning. For children experiencing
difficulties we should strive towards early identification, diagnosis of specific
difficulties and the introduction of appropriate intervention strategies.
None of these can take place without prior observation and assessment of the
current situation.
Observation and assessment processes can also be used to identify the effectiveness
of the setting, specific areas of the setting, specific activities and the
practitioner. Arguably, to see the children progress and be happy is every practitioner’s
ultimate aim and one that gives us tremendous satisfaction and reward.
We therefore need to be prepared to examine our own practices closely to ensure
Correct answer is "C"
Na primeira frase:
"Nós <u>comunicamos a decisão do chefe.</u>"
Não usamos a vírgula pois o sujeito não pode ser separado do verbo e o verbo não se separa dos complementos.
Na segunda frase:
<u><em>"A chuva estava tão forte</em></u> que <u><em>inundou a rua.</em></u>"
A virgula não é utilizada pois se refere a uma oração subordinada adverbial consecutiva.
the corrects answers should be :
Si, ya lo vi
Los limones son mas acidos que las naranjas (accute accent on the a de mas y de acido)
hope I helped
Explanation:I am thankful for my family because they are always there for me even when I don’t deserve it. I am thankful for my brothers because even though they always tease me about boys and school, I know they are very protective of me and will always have my back. I am thankful for my step mom because she is the only other girl in the house and understands me better than anyone else in my family. She always knows how to cheer me up when i’m in a bad mood, she makes me feel good about myself when I feel insecure, and she knows when to tell my brothers to stop teasing me because they go too far sometimes. My dad and I used to be really close and I told him everything, but even though we aren't as close I know that I can go to him for anything and he won’t judge me. My Aunt Sandy is not really my aunt but I classify her as family. She has been through alot with me and has helped me get through some tough times, to me she is like a second mom sometimes or a bestfriend who I can tell my deepest secrets to.
The answer should be correct!