This shows different words to use with different tenses
1 : tightly pressed into a container The contents of the bottle are under pressure. 2 : in a state of stress or anxiety because of having too much to do They both work well under pressure. 3 : being made to feel forced to do something (as by arguments, threats, etc.) The mayor is under pressure to resign.
i don't know if it helps or not i think not but please tell me
if someone leaves their house in the pursuit of success they are willing to go outside of there comfort zone and take on new challenges.
Answer: if i could take home any animal from the zoo it would be a elephant! i would take home a elephant because they are such beautiful animals and they are so endangered, so i want to save them! they also would double as a ride to school! i think my family would be very intrigued, i think my parents would be a little upset because he might smell. i think my sibling would be thrilled to have our very own pet elephant!