kill- by-famine The policies of Stalin known as the five years plan that aimed at industrializing soviet union are to be blamed for million death, that were covered up from the outside world.
The mass starvation in Ukraine resulting from Joseph Stalin's economic policies was known as Holodomor.
Holodomor is the name attributed to the famine that ravaged the territory of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, in the struggle for the collectivization of the land undertaken by the USSR, during the years of 1932-1933, in which may have died of hunger between 1.5 and 10 million people. The secret archives declassified after the disintegration of the Soviet Union reflect an increase in mortality in 1932 estimated at an additional rate to the average of previous years of about 150,000 people, while 1933 reflects something more than 1.3 million people -Which makes a total of about 1.5 million people died as a direct consequence of the famine according to these documents-, although since 1934 both mortality and birth rates fell between 20 and 40% compared to the average of the years before the famine.