In these lines, we see that Antinous was rude to Odysseus because he was disguised as a beggar. Everyone, including the suitors, believe this to be a bad action. Odysseus does so as well, and in these lines he reproaches Antinous. He tells us that the beggar is only there out of hunger, and that many men have crossed oceans due to hunger. He also hopes that Antinous dies soon.
The best prediction of what will become of Antinous is that he will probably die first, as Odysseus is planning to kill all the suitors and he has now wished he was dead. The detail that supports this prediction is the statement "<em>if there are Furies pent in the dark to avenge a poor man's wrong, then may Antinous meet his death before his wedding day!</em>"
Answer: a major unit or division of a play. acting: use of face, body, and voice to portray character. ... actor: a performer who assumes the role of a character in a play, film, or television show; a female actor may also be called an actress.
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<span>Careful transitions are an important part of preparation. Most speakers have problems with using "um," "and," "and uh," and "you know" or some similar nonsensical utterance as they falter toward their next point. This is primarily because they don't have a smooth manner of getting to their next point. That's why transitions are so important. A transition is a bridge from Point A to Point B—a connection between two points. If you learn to use specific transitions, you will improve the fluency of your speech as well as avoiding the verbalized pauses and unnecessary words. Good transitions demonstrate a command of language, thus enhancing your credibility.</span>