The parallel between Victor Frankenstein's story and the story of Prometheus and Pandora lies in the fact that VICTOR CREATES LIFE IN THE MONSTER JUST AS PROMETHEUS AND PANDORA CREATED LIFE IN HUMANS.
The right option is C.
Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Shelley. The main subject of the novel is Victor, a young scientist, a created a monster, which he can not control. The story of Frankenstein is usually linked to that of Prometheus and Pandora due to the fact that both stories has to do with creation of life and negative consequences that follow it.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a god, who stole fire from heaven and gave it to humanity. In order to punish his crime, Zeus, the king of the gods commanded another god (hephaestus) to make woman. The woman, Pandora was made and she became a source of great mystery to humanity.
The main characters are: Brom Van Brunt, Ichabod Crane, Katrina Van Tassel.
Katrina Van Tassel: she is a rich and beautiful girl and represents the romantic interest, in which the protagonist and the antagonist deposit their love and desire. Katrina is an 18-year-old girl and knows that she has a strong sensual appeal to the men of the city. She highlights her own attributes as a way of getting attention from those she desires.
Brom Van Brunt: He is the antagonist of the story and wants to prevent the protagonist from winning Katrina's love, as he is also in love with her. He is admired in the region and is a skilled and daring man.
Ichabod Crane: He is the protagonist who disputes Katrina's love with Brom. Ichabod is not as admired in the city and has disadvantages as winning the woman he wants. He is also not as strong and handsome as Brom.
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