States have to send soldiers to federal militia
The primary reason the US advocated the Open Door Policy was to protect and broaden US trade with China. This policy was put into effect in the early 20th century after the Boxer Rebellion in China. It hastened the end of the last dynasty in Chinese history.
Germany invaded Poland 1939
French retreat to Great Britain from the Nazi’s. 1940
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor 1941
The Battle of Midway 1942
The Dropping of the Atomic Bomb 1945
ancient Mayan city in northern Guatemala
this is the definition
to study how the Chinese government operated
to learn about Chinese art and technology
He sent Japanese monks and other men to China to study. They study mostly how the Chinese government worked as well as art and technology.
He ruled in lat 6th and early 7th century and he made Buddhism the state religion. He built many temples all over Japan.
Through the messengers he sent to China, he learned a lot and that helped him create a new Japan, making him revered and viewed until today as one of the most important rulers of Japan's history!