The Aksumite Empire ended with the last King, Dil Na’od who was defeated by his former General Mara Takla Haymanot who founded the Agaw Zagwe dynasty. According to legend, a son of Dil Na’od fled in exile, until his descendants overthrew the Zagwe dynastic rulers and re-established the Solomonic dynasty around AD 1270.
African Americans who served in the Civil war were treated with inadequate weapons and medical treatments. Though they were treated differently than white people, they were still treated better in the military.
they divided the south into 5 military districts
Tanks could be used to open a hole in enemy lines, but the burnt of the fighting must be done by infantry units. Early tanks for the allies had limited transverse movement for the turret, because their primary purpose was to serve as a gun platform for the infantry units coming behind them.