I believe in this case you would be using Clip Art.
Smart Art is used on words to make graphics usually.
Graphs are not pictures
Shapes are completely different
the friendships the following link and fill out our related information
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C = int(input("Enter a number ::))
F = (C * (9 /5)) + 32
print(" {} in Fahrenheit is {} ". format(C, F))
The program takes an input from the user and converts the input to a fahrenheit.
<span>An element in the Excel window that displays the value or formula contained ... which you can specify the type of calculation you want to perform in an Excel formula are: ..... installs all the most commonly used files to your computer's hard drive. Full. A(n) ______ software installation enables you to decide which features you ...</span><span>
d) attach a bag of weights to the tripod