Slaves are the people thought as conquered People
In ancient times, slaves works without any remunerations. These people are captured or purchased by rich peoples. Their whole life spends in slavery. The people who are also prisoners of wars worked as slaves for their rest of the life.
With this you just have to think about what do different shoes do and why? For example, track shoes need to be extremely light to make it so the runners don't need to move excess weight to accelerate faster whereas basketball shoes can be heavier because they need high ankle coverage for more ankle support during moves like the crossover. Then the key factors that I would do personally are: difficulty to produce, benefit to athlete, cost to athlete, weight, and support. My advice would be to systematically go through a bunch of sports and talk about each of their shoes...
In this program, I am using the school-based grading system and the program should accept the subject and the number of students.
Program approach:-
- Using the necessary header file.
- Using the standard I/O namespace function.
- Define the main function.
- Declare the variable.
- Display enter obtain marks in 5 subjects.
- Return the value.
//header file
//using namespace
using namespace std;
//main method
int main()
//declare variable
int j;
float mark, sum=0, a;
//display enter obtain marks in 5 subjects
cout<<"Enter Marks obtained in 5 Subjects: ";
for(j=0; j<5; j++)
sum = sum+mark;
a = sum/5;
//display grade
cout<<"\nGrade = ";
if(a>=91 && a<=100)
//display a1
else if(a>=81 && a<91)
//display a2
else if(a>=71 && a<81)
else if(a>=61 && a<71)
else if(a>=51 && a<61)
//display c1
else if(a>=41 && a<51)
//display c2
else if(a>=33 && a<41)
//display d
else if(a>=21 && a<33)
//display e1
else if(a>=0 && a<21)
//display e2
//display invalid
//return the value
return 0;
Learn more grading system
1.The program comes to a line of code containing a "function call".
2.The program enters the function (starts at the first line in the function code).
3.All instructions inside of the function are executed from top to bottom.
4.The program leaves the function and goes back to where it started from.
5.Any data computed and RETURNED by the function is used in place of the function in the original line of code.
Answer: I believe it's software.