A plural noun is a word that indicates that there is more than one person, animal place, thing, or idea. When you talk about more than one of anything, you're using plural nouns<span>. When you write about more than one of anything, you usually use the same word, simply adding an s, es, or ies to the end. </span>Other common collective nouns are class, crowd, flock, panel, committee, group, audience<span>, staff, and family. A collective noun is one that in the singular form, denotes a number of separate persons or things. A collective noun is a name which in the singular denotes a collection. </span>
He needed it to return to the normal why? because, before world war, Harding’s was United States presidential candidate. Harding’s promise was to return the United States’ prewar mentality, without the thought of war tainting the minds of the American people.