Preocuparse = worry about
Afeitarse = shave
Sentarse = sit
Secarse = dry
Sentirse = Feel
Levantarse = get up
Irse = leave
Enojarse = get angry with
Quedarse = stay
Maquillarse = put on makeup
1.- José and I worry about our grandparents / José y yo nos preocupamos por nuestros abuelos.
2.- Sergio does not shave in the morning / Sergio no se afeita por la mañana.
3.- Does David sits near the board in class? / David, se sienta cerca de la pizarra en la clase?
4.- She dries with a large towel / Ella se seca con una toalla grande.
5.- Are you fine? How do you feel today? / Estas bien? Cómo te sientes hoy?
6.- What time do you get up? / A que hora se levantan ustedes?
7.- My brother arrives late, eats very fast and leaves. / Mi hermano llega tarde, come muy rapido y se va.
8.- My mother gets angry with my brother / Mi madre se enoja con mi hermano.
9.- We stay at home when it snows / Nosotros nos quedamos en casa cuando neva.
10.- Victoria puts on makeup before leaving the house / Victoria se maquilla antes de salir de la casa.
The English Translation: What does this mean- "Is there a bathroom?"
Que Significa = What does this mean
Hay Bano? = Is there a bathroom
I study mathematics too.
sorry I didn't get yr question.
<h2>stay safe healthy and happy.</h2>