The preterite and imperfect are past tenses in Spanish. Preterite is a definite past tense, representing a situation that had a definite start, duration, and end; finished, completed actions. The imperfect tense is more of an indefinite time period in the past, regarding indefinite time periods, descriptions, and continuous actions in the past.
Vi la película anoche. = I saw the movie last night.
Me gustó la película mucho. = I liked it a lot.
Juagaba videojuegos de niño. = I used to play video games as a child.
Eran las dos de la tarde. = It was two o'clock in the afternoon.
Hey there! I'm happy to help!
Most of the time, the adjective comes after the noun in Spanish. There are a few exceptions. Anything that clarifies a number or amount goes before a noun. This can be numbers or words like more, less, much, some, enough, too much, sufficient, etc.
A very important quality that must be known about a noun is usually put before the noun. For example, if you want to say sweet tea, you would say dulce té, not té dulce. The first means the actually type of tea called sweet tea, while the latter means any tea that is sweet. However, it's always better to put the adjective after the noun if you are not completely sure if the adjective is essential or not.
There are also some adjectives that change form when put before a noun to give it a different meaning. For example, grande. If you say río grande, that means the big river. If you put grande before a noun, it becomes gran and it now means great. Espero que tengas un gran día means I hope you have a great day. There are some other ones like this, and there's only around 15 common words that change like this, and you will usually be able to spot them.
I hope that this helps! Have a wonderful day! :D
Mis parientes de colorado “Venían” todos los veranos.
Primero “Caminaba” por el parque, luego encontré a Lola.
(Actually, I’m latina but I’m not sure if they want u to use the verb of “Andaba”, I mean, it’s already in the other sentence)
El año pasado “Viajamos” por sudamerica
Sección (signo), símbolo gráfico que representa un apartado, capítulo, párrafo, parágrafo o sección de un texto.