In shaping, the behavior to be acquired is called the _TARGET BEHAVIOR__, and people are rewarded for _SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION OF__ that behavior.
La libertad política es el derecho, o la capacidad y habilidad, de la libre determinación, como expresión de la voluntad del individuo. Está estrictamente definida por el liberalismo clásico como la capacidad de actuar sin restricciones del gobierno o; más ampliamente definida como la capacidad de tener acceso a determinados recursos por parte del gobierno sin limitación social por el social liberalismo y la mayoría de las variantes del socialismo.
The word philosophy comes from the Greek word "philos" (love) and "sophia<span>" (wisdom). This literally means love for wisdom. The nature of philosophy </span>are<span> the following:</span>
1. It analyzes the foundations of the other disciplines.
2. It attempts to prosper the comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world.
3. I<span>t </span><span>studies </span>and<span> evaluates critically the beliefs and attitudes of human beings, especially those that are often considered as uncritical.</span>
4. It investigates the rules of language and its principles. It attempts to explain the meaning of vague words and concepts.<span> </span>
Thank you for posting your question here at brainly. Below are the choices that can be found elsewhere. I hope the answer will help.
Among the choices the a</span><span>lternative sanctions tend to be designed for wome. The answer is women. </span>