The answer is:
Hope I could help ya ;)
If I had new a new roles and I like the other ones better I would dislike the new roles.
This is not just a story about an old woman who is dying. It is an absolutely intriguing and interesting story. The critic was wrong to ask why the story should interest anyone. The story expresses what the old woman had been through all her life; her triumphs and her thoughts before she dies. The story provides a clear thought of what a dying person thinks about and their views. It is quite interesting how this old lady visits places in her mind that she might not have thought of if she was not dying. She thought she was ready and prepared for death, but when it was time, she began to beg her daughter. This short story deserves a re-read.
I despise the word enemy, so let's say old acquaintance to refer to them. So my ex-best friend, who I knew since kindergarten, would always try to put me down by insulting me or making me feel less important. Back then I never really noticed any red flags, but looking at it now, I realize how much jealousy can affect an insecure person. One day at my crush's bday party, she would purposely try to make me feel jealous or touch him a lot (in front of me obviously), when she knew that I liked him and there were probably chances of him feeling the same, but that's another story I don't want to get into right now. She just couldn't stop being with him after that, and she would upload stories with him on social media, text him, compliment him, etc, and it wasn't even the fact that they were already pretty close before I told her I had feelings for him, she wouldn't bother talking to him. Long story short, she kis sed him 2 times, it was honestly my last straw. Funny thing is, I don't get jealous easily, and If I happen to, I just have control and make sure I don't hurt anyone because of it, so it wasn't at all about the fact that she stole my potential bo yfriend. It was the action of it, like “I don't respect you and I don't care about your feelings” kind of action, which made me purely disgusted and disrespected.