Due process clause is like a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the government outside the sanction of law.
D. To pay taxes
All American citizens must pay taxes
NATO was established to fight the spread of communism, while the Warsaw Pact was formed to protect communism
NATO and the Warsaw Pact were military organization that were formed after the World War II ended. These two organizations were the fiercest rivals during the Cold War period. NATO was led by the United States, while the Warsaw Pact was led by the Soviet Union. NATO was dedicated to spreading out democracy and free market economy, while the Warsaw Pact was dedicated to spreading out communism and command economy.
Gondwana was an ancient supercontinent that broke up about 180 million years ago. The continent eventually split into landmasses we recognize today: Africa, South America, Australia, Antarctica, the Indian subcontinent and the Arabian Peninsula.