The animals have a bittersweet victory against Jones. It is heavily implicated that the Animal Farm is becoming a place grounded more in military might than agrarian industry. Many decisions point to that, such as: the decision to fire Jones' gun twice a year, military decorations etc. All these things show how the Animal farm is slowly being transformed into a place governed by martial law more than the Seven Commandments of Animalism.
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The dots go more closley to the line than in the other graphs.
12:00 pm yet more often than not it relies on upon how you are measuring time. Time zones are a little more than 1000 miles wide at the equator. So when it turns 12 twelve at the equator, the sun unmistakably can't be at its most elevated height for each spot along an extend of 1000 miles at a similar moment. In any case, by definition, the sun is at its most noteworthy every day at sunlight based twelve.