I think the answer is between b and c. But the answer that I heard of in history class would be C. The fact that immigrants took away high paying jobs from union members.
Hope this helps!!
They need to move around because every time they hunt the population of whatever they are hunting decreases.
The advantages to the United States trail system is that everyone has the right to a trial and a lawyer. That is do to ensure the safety of everyone who is under American law. However, there can sometimes be prejudice of those that are in the jury. Such a racist.
ThE DuTch WEst InDia CoMpaNy wAnted tO esTAblish A Colony iN NoRth AMERica tO tRAde GOod sUch As fURs aNd sPIces. ThIS WAs aT A tIMe wHerE mANy EUROpean naTIons wEre "sCraMBling" fOR teRRitoRy iN tHe AMEricAs.