Clases = classes
<span>música = music </span>
<span>instrumentos = instruments </span>
<span>musicales = musical </span>
<span>piano = piano </span>
<span>guitarra = guitar </span>
<span>violín = violin </span>
<span>trompeta = trumpet </span>
<span>saxofón - saxophone </span>
<span>flauta = flute </span>
<span>músico = musician </span>
<span>profesional = professional </span>
<span>artista - artist / artiste </span>
<span>radio = radio </span>
<span>televisión = television </span>
<span>dólares = dollars </span>
<span>junio = June </span>
<span>julio = July </span>
In the advertisement "carpeta" is used incorrectly, it should be "alfombra"
Here is the translation:
<span>Music classes music lessons and musical instruments are offered . Piano lessons, guitar, violin , trumpet , saxophone and flute. The teacher is a professional musician. It is also artist radio and television . Classes are offered twenty dollars in the months of June and July. Come and be an artist of the red carpet ! -- hope i helped </span>
Answer: 19. C 20.A 22.D
Hope these helped some are missspelled so I could not get all of them so sorry good luck
1. Dormirá 2. Leyendo 3.sirvieron 4. Trajo 5.Seguimos 6. Vestiste