In the writing "Attack of War" by Janice Mirikitaniuses, he highlighted the results and consequences of war. The foolishness of war causes death, imagining how people can survive without supermarkets, without water for their livelihood, no automobiles, no running water, and dishwaters. The existence of life is impossible without the water supply.
Declarative - I study German on Fridays.
Imperative - you must go to school.
Exclamatory - what a coincidence!
Interrogative - what is your name?
The title of the chart is a histogram
Y axis= amount of jobs I think
X axis= months
I’m just trying to help
Hello! The worst thing that his legal action can do is call for the entire nation to recount the votes. Which they will do in front of Congress in January, to vote the new President. Since the Electoral College chose a winner with a LARGE margin, Biden is most likely to be the next president. I hope this helps!