Here's the order:
- Ptolemy's map of the world
- the first school of oceanic navigation
- Portuguese caravels with triangular sails
Ptolemy (ca. 100-150 AD) was an astronomer, mathematician and geographer in the Roman Empire era. Ptolemy's map of the world was a map based on descriptions in Ptolemy's book, <em>Geography, </em>which dates back to around the year 150 AD.
Prince Henry the Navigator started the first school for oceanic navigation at Sagres, Portugal, for training in navigation, map-making, and science. The date of founding of the school (and even full details about it) are a bit uncertain, but it seems to have been established in about 1418. Prince Henry was called "The Navigator" because of his strong support for sending out ocean exploration voyages.
Caravels were developed by the Portuguese around the middle of the 15th century (around 1450). These more agile ships were better suited to ocean sailing than previous ship models used in the calmer waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
Latin can be represented as a Old way in. English history
Parliament's decision to regulate transatlantic commerce with its American colonies was motivated by mercantilism. All shipments to or from British North America had to be made on British ships, and any shipments bound for Europe had to first arrive in Britain in order to be taxed there. Only to Britain might certain products be shipped.
- Mercantile system, a system or political and economic policy, evolving with the modern state and seeking to secure a nation's political and economic supremacy in it's rivalry with other states. According to this system, money was regarded as a store of wealth, and the goal of a state was the accumulation of precious metals, by exporting the largest possible quantity of its products and importing as little as possible, thus establishing a favorable balance of trade.
- Crossing or reaching across the Atlantic; situated beyond the Atlantic.
<em>What is the connection between mercantilism and colonialism?</em>
Colonialism was viewed as an outgrowth of mercantilism in the 18th century. According to marchantilism, every nation should make an effort to increase exports while reducing imports. The purpose of colonies was to complement the goods that the colonizer could generate on its own.
All trade related to colonialism was mandated by the British, in particular, to go via England. Colonial traders were not permitted to make direct purchases or sales from suppliers or to any foreign clients. Additionally, colonists were not permitted to directly sell things made in the home nation. The British saw the entire empire as a closed system. The American colonists were aware that they were paying more for their purchases and receiving less money for their sales. This was one of the triggers for the American Revolution.
Even though the Americans prevailed in their battle, the mercantilist concept persisted. Until the European colonial system collapsed after World War II, every major imperialist power made an effort to prevent other countries from stealing resources from its colonies and mandated that colonialists be supplied by the home country in some way.
Thank you,
The correct answer is:
President Jefferson decided to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France.
<em>The Louisiana Purchase was treaty made by </em><em>Napoleon</em><em> to afford the Napoleonic wars and by the United States President </em><em>Thomas Jefferson,</em><em> in which the United States acquired the Louisiana Territory (including New Orleans) from France for $15 million.</em> The treaty was signed in Paris on April 30 by Robert Livingston and James Monroe and was ratified by the U.S. Congress on October 20, 1803.
<em>In matriarchal societies women hold the power position, social privilege and control of property</em>. The Eastern woodland Indians lived east of the plains Indians. like other Indians they also used to depend on the natural resources. Because they lived in forests , they came to be called as Eastern Indians. All their basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, tools and weapons were from forests. Their villages were near lakes or streams. The Cherokee, Mound Builders and Iroquois were important Woodland tribes, they used to live in longhouses and wigwams. In all of these eastern woodland societies the women held prestigious positions.