When my friend will be in a combat thesis troublesome tendencies. You should combat your friend's overconfidence barrier. You can make a little humble request and help him with his cognition barrier or bias. We can request him to think about the other perspective of the situation too.
We can make him understand how things might come in other ways also. We can guide him to pursue the statistics research methodology course from the recognized university or we can say that he can pursue a psychology course too.
A. freshwater fishing.
my reasoning:
Inside the Middle East, most countries have large supplies of oil, (which helps make the countries rich as they are today because of oil demands), which takes out the options C & D. The Middle East, is located within the Sahara desert, and so can contribute to desert research (B) as well.
So A, is your most logical choice.
hope this helps
There is one God, who goes by many names.
The god is normally called by Adonia, and/or Hashem. His true name is represented with the etters YHVH. This is meant to mean, "was, is, and will be." The pronucuation of his true name has been lost.
Hope this helps