The first bullet is the correct answer
Framers hoped biennial elections would bring to the Senate a stability point, and in turn, to other branches of the new government.
Voting is important so we can get to know that who can lead better or who is better for the society; it shows who the majority likes.
This statement by James Madison argues that men are not perfect, and that human nature can be flawed. He believes government exists in order to control and limit the impact of these flaws.
One example is the separation of powers. The principle of the separation of powers states that power must be divided among different branches of government. The branches limit and control each other, and safeguard against the abuse of a tyrant. If people were not corrupted by power, or did not have a tendency to abuse power for their own gain, then the separation of powers would not be necessary. However, because human nature is flawed, these measures are necessary in government.
I believe that the rights of all people can not be protected due to the large amounts of people on the planet, and the fact that this number is steadily increasing. There is no known way to ensure the rights of every single person, and in my humble opinion not all people deserve rights. For instance, a mother that kills her child or children in cold blood would not deserve the rights offered to other mothers. This is not always the case and in an idealistic universe, the rights of every human would be protected and cherished, not because they "should" per se, but rather because every human lovingly gave them and deserved them. Seeing as this is not the case, I would say the rights of all people can not be protected, as unfortunate as that is...