random assignment, a random sample
In an experiment which requires groups the groups are to be made sure that members of each group is selected at random. This is known as random assignment.
The selection of participants from a population randomly i.e., having no pattern is called random sampling and the sample is called random sample. The random sample is selected as such in order to be representative of the population.
Both approaches are generally considered insight therapies.
Insight therapy is form of therapy that is conducted with the assumption that the psychological problems which experienced by the patients occurs because those patient have wrong perspective in viewing his/her situation.
Humanistic will try to solve the problem by encouraging the patient that they have a huge potential ahead of them and the psychoanalytic therapy will solve this problem by analyzing the patient's unconscious mind and find out what cause them to have the wrong perspective.
British Broadcasting Corporation
The BBC is a British organization which broadcasts programs on radio and television. BBC is an abbreviation for 'British Broadcasting Corporation.'
Typically, after there are enough signatories, the resulting letter may be delivered to the subject of the petition, usually via e-mail. The online petition may also deliver an email to the target of the petition each time the petition is signed.