The wright brothers were pioneers in the field of aviation
orixas are a link between the spiritual world and the world of humans. Voduns and inkices are spirit gods, essentially the same as orixas. Candomblé is a synthesis of three African religions, Yoruba, Fon and Bantu, and voduns and inkices are the names preferred by the other two sects.
His mission was to complete an agreement with the Japanese Government for the protection of shipwrecked or stranded Americans and to open one or more ports for supplies and refueling. ... As a result, Perry's treaty provided an opening that would allow future American contact and trade with Japan.
He escalated the r a c i s t war on drugs.
He ran a r a c i s t election campaign.
He committed war c r i m e s
He made a dishonest case for war.
He did nothing in the Hurricane Katrina event