This question can have many answers but ill try to answer it in the north slaves werent profitable so most northerners didnt have slaves and eventually slavery was seen as morally wrong in the north so in the south once abraham lincoln became president the south became its own coutry and the civil war began so after the north won slavery was abolished in the south.
FALSE. Madison and Hamilton were Federalists, which means they wanted the new US Constitution to be aproved. Both of them, along with John Jay, wrote 85 essays tittled "The Federalists Papers" defending the constitution. (Hamilton wrote 51, Madison wrote 29, and Jay wrote 5)
Hippocrates was a much admired physician from the island of Cos who taught students for fees. Throughout his life Hippocrates appears to have traveled widely in Greece and Asia Minor practicing his art and teaching his pupils, and he presumably taught at the medical school at Cos quite frequently.
This thing was copied, from britanica! :D