An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat:
Dozens of Serbs were convicted of war crimes because they approved the policy of ethnic cleansing in the war. An ethnic cleansing is when a mass killing of people from different ethnicities or religious group is done. The correct answer is B.
The correct option is A
Sherman seizing of Atlanta
Battle of Atlanta, one of the fiercest battles, was fought with the intention of denying the confederates, an important supply line via the railway. Their defeat by Sherman was very important and a major turning point for the union course as it led to the defeat of the confederate soldiers.
After rice and wheat, the potato is the third most important crop in the world, rich in carbohydrates and also as a source of starch. ... Dry, gritty native potatoes have components such as iron and zinc and better protein levels.
For the Mesoamerican peoples, maize not only constituted the food on which their day-to-day subsistence depended –and for this reason, it was the central axis of their economy–, but a link had been established with it that was so deep that in the cycle vital grain those peoples recognized their own.
It was taken from another page, so I hope it helps you... greetings!!!