I don't know much about this, but here's something:
The Byzantines were Orthodox Christians and disagreed with the Catholic Church. For instance, unlike Catholics, they don't believe in Purgatory.
The federalist, the anti federalist apposed the idea of creating a stronger government
Finance companies are less regulated than private financial institutions because they do not rely on deposits as a source of funds.
abigail was an intelligent girl who wished that she could attend school her frustration over not being able to get a better education led her to argue for women's rights later on in life abigail was a young lady when she first met john adams a young country lawyer John was a friend of her sister mary's fiancé she also was one of only two women to have been both wife and mother to two U.S. presidents (i believe other then being Barbara Bush) she was also famous for her early advocacy of several divisive causes including women's rights female education and the abolition of slavery